If you are facing any issues at work, no matter how large or small, speak to Horizon and we can help resolve bullying or harassment, flexible working, long term sickness, pay, deductions, hours and holiday queries.

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Issues During Employment
If you are facing any issues at work, no matter how large or small, speak to Horizon. We can help you resolve pay, hours or holiday queries, and we can support you to devise a strategy to deal with more complex disciplinary, performance management, sickness capability or grievance procedures or if your employer is seeking to change any fundamental terms and conditions.

As HR Consultants, we support businesses to build employee engagement, and we know how damaging low morale can be for you, to your colleagues and to the organisation more generally. We will use this to nip your issue in the bud as quickly as possible, whether we advise you how to take matters forwards yourself or whether we get involved directly with your employer, where we would suggest a sustainable way forward to prevent issues recurring in the future. No one benefits from a disengaged workforce.

So do not let workplace issues fester, if relationships at work are getting you down, if you are being bullied or harassed or you feel your rights are being compromised, drop us a line and share your concerns.

Together we will create a new Horizon !

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    St Peters Road
    CV21 3QP


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    Horizon Solicitors is a trading name of Horizon Solicitors Limited and is a company registered in England and Wales under Company Reg No. 11633910 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA No. 653837 Registered office: Eastlands Court Business Centre,
    St Peter’s Road, Rugby,
    CV21 3QP

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